Assembly & Test

Saving Valuable Time and Money

To better serve our customers, and to help reduce the logistics and costs associated with multi-piece handling and management, we take our work through the full manufacturing process—including assembly and testing.

Our skilled mechanical team expertly combines machined and fabricated parts into finished assemblies and sub-assemblies. We then complete extensive testing on manufactured components and assembled pieces to ensure that quality is up to specifications—following several proven testing procedures to ensure that all variables and conditions are covered. Add to this proven, experienced purchasing management and our customers are assured to save time and money when working with JD Machine.


We use Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis, or PFMEA, to pinpoint any potentials for failure in every part we test. Our testing team carefully analyzes each component following a 10-step PFMEA process, which allows us to catch issues that may have occurred during the manufacturing process. Any required adjustments can then be made before shipping, saving valuable time and costs.

Standard Work Instructions

Standard Work Instructions (SWI) allow our technicians to remain well coordinated for every individual project. This in turn ensures a continuous testing approach resulting in higher-quality outcomes and greater consistency that eliminates waste and improves the manufacturing process throughput.

Other Testing

Our pressure testing process is used to identify the strengths and weakness of parts, as well as any possible leaks, such as thin walls, joint fittings and maximum capacity. We also perform helium tests to check for leaks in parts and assembled products, along with electrical conductivity and other forms of testing for functional performance assurances.

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